Factors That Determine the CBD Dosage for Dogs

Are you planning to give CBD oil to your dog? Several factors determine the proper CBD dosage for dogs. These include the age of the dog, its weight, and also its medical condition. Another thing to consider is whether or not you will be slowly introducing CBD into your dog’s system.

CBD oil is well-tolerated by dogs when it’s given in moderate amounts. But you cannot start at a high dosage and hope your dog will be okay with it. Inconsistent dosages may lead to drug tolerance.

According to market reports, the global CBD oil market is forecasted to grow at 38.4 percent, increasing CBD oil consumption in the medical and cosmetics industries.

 Factors That Determine the CBD Dosage for Dogs

 1) Weight of the Dog

Your dog’s weight is significant in determining its CBD dosage. The larger the dog, the more blood volume it has. It also means that CBD will be diluted by more blood, increasing the chances that any THC or other toxins present in small amounts may trigger undesired responses (such as getting high).

So, how much CBD should you give your dog?

It is measured in milligrams (mg) of CBD per pound. You can give 50 mg of CBD oil to a 25-pound dog and 100 mg to a 50-pounder. If you have a 300-pound dog, it’s suggested that you give it 600 mg of CBD oil.


2) Health Condition of the Dog

It is necessary to consider your dog’s health condition when determining its CBD dosage. For example, a dog taking other medications or supplements should get a lower dose.

In such cases, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian about the proper amount.


3) Time of Administration

It would help if you considered the time frame for administering CBD oil to your dog. Studies suggest that CBD is more effective when given orally instead of injection or ingestion.

Moreover, always buy high-quality CBD oil from trusted brands. Remember that the label must indicate the amount of CBD in milligrams.

In general, the CBD dosage for dogs is around 10 mg/kg of body weight. In other words, a 20-pound dog should get only 200 mg of CBD oil per day. It’s also good to note that pregnant dogs or those nursing their young should avoid using CBD oil altogether.


4) Type of CBD Oil Used

You should know that there are different forms of CBD oil available in the market today. For instance, you can buy a flavored tincture and administer the med to your dog with a dropper. There’s also a topical solution that can be administered by rubbing it onto your dog’s skin.

The recommended CBD dosage for dogs will depend on the type of formula you are administering. Tinctures usually come in 10 mg CBD per ml, while CBD oil used topically is available in various strengths depending on its concentration level.

Remember that if your dog experiences any adverse reaction after taking CBD, immediately stop giving it to them. You should also consult a vet before giving CBD oil to your dog.


5) Bioavailability

If you’re planning to give your dog CBD oil, then you need to know that some of it will be lost in the process. The oral bioavailability of CBD in dogs is relatively low at 8 percent. It means that only a small amount gets absorbed into your pet’s body when administered orally.

You will have to give your dog more CBD oil than what its actual dose should be. You will require to base this on the concentration of CBD oil available for purchase.

It is just one reason why buying high-quality CBD for dogs is essential. The better the formula, the more reliable it is.

Despite being naturally available to your pets, dogs’ CBD oil should be given with care. Always consider your pet’s behavior before administering CBD oil so as not to endanger its health.

If you have any queries about using CBD for your dog, never hesitate to contact a vet immediately.


Features to Check While Buying CBD:

CBD oil can come in different formulations. Some of these include tinctures, capsules, and even CBD edibles for dogs. The dosage will vary depending on the type you buy. To ensure that you get a formula that’s right for your dog, here are some features to check:


1) Manufacturer

Ensure that the CBD oil you’re buying comes from a reputable manufacturer. It should be free of pesticides, mold, mildew, fungus, insects, and other contaminants that can harm your dog’s health.


2) Product Potency

Does CBD oil have high potency? If so, how many milligrams are in each serving? CBD products can come in different forms, so you must check the dosage per product.


3) Extraction Process

It’s best to stick with CBD oil that is full-spectrum or broad-spectrum. It contains terpenes and cannabinoids that are not added during processing. These provide additional benefits for your pet’s health.


4) The Product’s Effectivity

What is the price of CBD oil? Is it affordable? High-quality CBD oil doesn’t need to be expensive. If you’re on a tight budget, ensure that it can provide your pet with more benefits than what you pay for.

A good example would be oil containing 500 mg of cannabidiol that also comes with a dropper. It should have the recommended dosage of 5 mg/pound twice a day.


5) Your Dog’s Age

It’s essential to consider your dog’s age. A high-quality CBD oil should only be administered if it has the dosage for dogs as required by your pet’s breed and size. It can help you avoid overdosing, which can endanger your dog’s health.


CBD is an excellent supplement for your dog’s health, especially if suffering from chronic conditions. Of course, it should be given with caution.

Always determine the correct dosage to avoid overdosing and causing more harm than good. Do not buy CBD oil until you get the go-signal from your vet.

CBD has many health benefits like treating anxiety, chronic pain, and other conditions. A high-quality CBD oil is the best choice if you want it to be more effective for your dog.

When buying CBD oil from a reputable manufacturer, ensure that its product potency is good enough to give your pet the recommended dosage of 5 mg/pound twice a day.